

GlancesCross-platform system monitoring tool written in Python.


BashShell and command language supported by the Free Software Foundation.
CGeneral-purpose language foundational in systems and application programming.
CiaoModern Prolog implementation focused on portability, extensibility, and modularity.
ClangCompiler front end for C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++, integrating with LLVM.
Clozure CLFree Common Lisp implementation offering full ANSI compliance and several extensions.
CrystalCompiled, statically-typed language with Ruby-like syntax and type inference.
DModern system programming language influenced by C++ with multiple paradigms and expressive features.
EiffelObject-oriented programming language emphasizing design by contract.
ElvishVersatile scripting language and interactive shell with cross-platform binary support.
EuphoriaUser-friendly language focusing on simplicity and readability, popular for various applications on multiple OS platforms.
Free PascalPascal compiler supporting multiple architectures and dialects.
FreeBASICBASIC compiler inspired by QuickBASIC, supporting object-oriented programming.
GDBPortable debugger for Unix-like systems supporting various languages.
GDScriptHigh-level, dynamically typed language for the Godot Engine.
GleamA general-purpose, functional language that compiles to Erlang and JavaScript, featuring static, inferred typing for concurrent programming.
GNATFree Ada compiler in the GCC suite, supporting all Ada versions.
GoStatically typed, compiled language with memory safety and CSP-style concurrency, designed at Google.
HaskellStatically-typed, purely functional language known for type inference and lazy evaluation.
HCLDeclarative configuration language used in Terraform to define cloud infrastructure resources.
HotSpot VMJava virtual machine known for its just-in-time compilation and adaptive optimization techniques.
jqLightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
JuliaA dynamic language designed for numerical and scientific computing with strong support for parallel computing and multiple dispatch.
KornShellUnix-based shell that combines features from C and Bourne shells, supporting POSIX standards.
MercuryA logic-based programming language with functional features.
NimStatically typed, compiled language focusing on performance and elegant syntax, compilable to C, C++, and JavaScript.
NixCross-platform, functional package manager and language with immutable directory management.
PascalAn imperative and procedural language designed by Niklaus Wirth, known for encouraging structured programming and data structuring.
PonyObject-oriented, actor-model, secure programming language.
PureBased on term rewriting, integrating symbolic computation and JIT compilation via LLVM.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
RakudoThe main compiler for the Raku language, targeting MoarVM and JVM.
RoffTypesetting language originating from UNIX, known for derivatives like 'troff' and 'nroff'.
SBCLOpen-source, high-performance Common Lisp implementation derived from CMUCL.
sedUnix utility that parses and transforms text, using a compact programming language developed by Lee E. McMahon.
Standard MLFunctional programming language known for its type inference and usage in compiler writing.
SuperColliderReal-time audio synthesis and music composition.
SWI-PrologImplementation of Prolog focused on versatility and rich libraries.
VStatically typed, compiled language emphasizing simplicity and performance.
ValaObject-oriented language that generates C code using the GObject system.
Vim scriptVim script is the scripting language built into the Vim text editor, designed for user customization.
Visual BasicMulti-paradigm language developed by Microsoft for Windows applications.
ZigSystem programming language designed as an improvement over C/C++ with native error handling and performance enhancements.