
Your Guide to Programming Languages

Plangs is a curated resource for exploring programming languages and tools. Our goal is to provide a practical, production-ready selection of languages and resources, helping you find what’s worth using today.

What’s Included#

Plangs focuses on languages that are ready for real-world projects—or close to it. While experimental or alpha-stage languages may appear, they must at least support prototyping, and have good documentation. The community ultimately shapes what gets featured, so discussions and contributions are welcome!

Community Contributions#

Plangs started with a mix of Wikipedia data, AI prompts, Github and Languish data, and manual curation. Contributions from developers are always appreciated!

Built for Simplicity#

Plangs is a static website. All site data can be exported as a single JSON file, inspired by Simon Willison’s Baked Data Pattern.


Plangs © 2024 by Emmanuel Oga and contributors is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Thanks for visiting Plangs!#