

.NETCross-platform, open-source framework known for supporting multiple programming paradigms.
AdaHigh-level, structured, and object-oriented language with strong typing, used for reliability in mission-critical systems.
AmberLanguage compiling into Bash with modern syntax and safety features.
ASP.NETServer-side web-application framework by Microsoft for building dynamic websites and services using the .NET runtime.
AssemblyScriptAssemblyScript compiles a TypeScript variant to WebAssembly.
BASICFamily of high-level programming languages created in 1964 to make programming more accessible.
BeefHigh-performance language for real-time applications with manual memory management.
BooStatically typed language with Python-like syntax and support for .NET framework features.
C#Versatile high-level language supporting multiple programming paradigms.
C++General-purpose language designed by Bjarne Stroustrup, supporting multiple programming paradigms.
CiaoModern Prolog implementation focused on portability, extensibility, and modularity.
Clozure CLFree Common Lisp implementation offering full ANSI compliance and several extensions.
Common LispA high-performance, ANSI-standardized Lisp dialect recognized for its flexibility and macro system, supporting multiple programming paradigms.
CrystalCompiled, statically-typed language with Ruby-like syntax and type inference.
CythonIs an optimising static compiler for Python and Cython extensions improving performance and interoperability with C.
DModern system programming language influenced by C++ with multiple paradigms and expressive features.
DartLanguage for building web, mobile, and server apps, with tools to compile to JavaScript and WebAssembly.
DelphiGeneral-purpose programming language with an IDE for rapid application development, using the Delphi dialect of Object Pascal.
EiffelObject-oriented programming language emphasizing design by contract.
ErlangConcurrent functional language for scalable real-time systems.
F#Functional-first language on the .NET platform, known for its strong typing and multi-paradigm capabilities.
FactorStack-oriented programming language with dynamic types, extensible syntax, and a self-hosted optimizing compiler.
FantomGeneral-purpose object-oriented language, designed for cross-platform use and supporting static and dynamic typing.
FlutterToolkit for creating natively compiled cross-platform apps from a single codebase.
FortranLanguage optimized for high-performance numerical computation and scientific computing.
Free PascalPascal compiler supporting multiple architectures and dialects.
FreeBASICBASIC compiler inspired by QuickBASIC, supporting object-oriented programming.
FrinkPerforms physical calculations while tracking units of measure.
GDScriptHigh-level, dynamically typed language for the Godot Engine.
GoStatically typed, compiled language with memory safety and CSP-style concurrency, designed at Google.
GravityLightweight, embeddable programming language supporting multiple paradigms.
GroovyFlexible and dynamic language for the Java platform with strong integration capabilities.
HackPHP-influenced language with static and gradual typing, used on the HHVM platform.
Hackety HackEducational platform for learning Ruby programming, using the Shoes toolkit for GUI development.
HaxeHigh-level cross-platform language and compiler for multiple platforms.
HyLisp dialect embedded in Python, facilitating seamless integration with Python libraries and syntax.
ImbaFull-stack web language compiling to JavaScript.
InformProgramming language for interactive fiction, supporting natural language sentence story writing.
InkoLanguage for efficient, safe concurrent software, with features like static typing and type-safe concurrency.
IoA pure object-oriented language with a prototype-based model, inspired by Smalltalk, Self, and others, emphasizing simplicity, flexibility, and concurrency.
IronPythonImplementation of Python for the .NET framework.
JavaHigh-level language known for its portability and extensive ecosystem.
JavaScriptScripting language essential for web interactivity and development.
JavaScriptCoreJavaScript engine utilized in Safari and part of the WebKit project.
JRubyJava-based implementation of Ruby, integrating closely with Java for two-way access.
JuliaA dynamic language designed for numerical and scientific computing with strong support for parallel computing and multiple dispatch.
JythonPython implementation for the Java platform, enabling Python code to run on the JVM.
KornShellUnix-based shell that combines features from C and Bourne shells, supporting POSIX standards.
KotlinConcise, statically typed language interoperative with Java, targeting JVM and other platforms.
LobsterStatically typed, game-oriented language with Python-like syntax and compile-time memory management.
LogtalkObject-oriented logic programming language extending Prolog.
LuaLightweight, high-level language designed for embedding in applications.
LuauLua subset developed by Roblox for game scripting with gradual typing.
MATLABProprietary multi-paradigm programming language and numerical computing environment.
MicroPythonSubset of Python 3 tailored for microcontrollers.
Mono.NET compatible software framework.
MoonScriptDynamic scripting language compiling to Lua with CoffeeScript-inspired syntax.
mrubyLightweight Ruby interpreter designed for embeddability.
NimStatically typed, compiled language focusing on performance and elegant syntax, compilable to C, C++, and JavaScript.
Node.jsA JavaScript runtime for server-side execution.
Objective-CObject-oriented language that extends C with Smalltalk-style message passing.
OCamlGeneral-purpose, multi-paradigm language extending Caml with OO features.
PerlDynamic language known for its text-processing capabilities.
PHPScripting language primarily used for web development.
PonyObject-oriented, actor-model, secure programming language.
PowerShellShell and scripting language from Microsoft.
ProcessingLanguage for visual and multimedia programming.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
RLanguage and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
RacketMulti-paradigm language derived from Lisp and Scheme, known for powerful macros and libraries.
RakuRaku, formerly Perl 6, is a multi-paradigm language in the Perl family, featuring dynamic and gradual typing.
ReasonMulti-paradigm language focusing on functional programming, compiling to OCaml and JavaScript.
RubyInterpreted, high-level language focused on productivity and simplicity.
SBCLOpen-source, high-performance Common Lisp implementation derived from CMUCL.
ScalaStatically typed language supporting both object-oriented and functional programming, known for addressing Java's criticisms and supporting concurrent, distributed systems.
SelfPrototype-based dynamic OOP language, influenced by Smalltalk and APL, impacting JavaScript.
SmalltalkA pioneering object-oriented language known for its simplicity and metaprogramming.
SqueakModern Smalltalk with a fast execution environment and the Morphic framework.
SquirrelObject-oriented scripting language designed for applications like video games.
SuperColliderReal-time audio synthesis and music composition.
SwiftDeveloped by Apple for its platforms, with a focus on safety and performance.
TclDynamic, interpreted programming language known for its extensibility, embeddability, and support for multiple paradigms.
TypeScriptStrongly typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
V8V8 is a high-performance JavaScript engine used in Chrome and Node.js.
ValaObject-oriented language that generates C code using the GObject system.
Vim scriptVim script is the scripting language built into the Vim text editor, designed for user customization.
Visual BasicMulti-paradigm language developed by Microsoft for Windows applications.
VueJavaScript framework for front end development.
XojoCross-platform development tool and proprietary object-oriented programming language for building native applications.