

AbcDatalogEasy Datalog for research & pedagogy.
AscentLogic programming language (similar to Datalog) embedded in Rust via macros.
CiaoModern Prolog implementation focused on portability, extensibility, and modularity.
ClojureDynamic language known for its expressiveness and concurrent processing capabilities.
CoqInteractive theorem prover focused on formal verification and proof checking.
CozoA database leveraging Datalog for queries.
CurryDeclarative language that integrates features of functional and logic programming paradigms
DatahikeA Datalog engine supporting immutability and distribution.
DatalevinA simple, fast and versatile Datalog database.
DatalogDeclarative logic programming language and subset of Prolog, used for deductive databases.
DataScriptImmutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS.
DatomicDistributed database with an immutable data model and Datalog implementation.
Differential DatalogA language for efficient incremental computation and dataflow processing.
EclairA logic programming language for specifying complex rules over large datasets efficiently.
ELPIAn embeddable interpreter for a λProlog variant enriched with Constraint Handling Rules.
EqlogA logic programming language for Datalog with equality support.
erlogA Prolog interpreter implemented in Erlang.
FlengA compiler for concurrent logic programming languages FGHC, Strand, KL1, and PCN.
FlixFunctional, imperative, and logic language focusing on type and effect systems.
FormulogDatalog with support for SMT queries and first-order functional programming.
GNU PrologA Prolog implementation with an interpreter and native compiler.
GUPUAn environment specialized for Prolog and constraint programming.
Ichiban PrologAn embeddable ISO Prolog interpreter in Go.
IsabelleAutomated theorem prover for formalizing mathematical proofs in higher-order logic.
JIPrologAn interpreter for the Prolog language implemented in Java.
LogicaA declarative logic programming language for data manipulation.
LogtalkObject-oriented logic programming language extending Prolog.
MercuryA logic-based programming language with functional features.
MiniZincLanguage for constraint modelling and solving complex combinatorial problems.
NatlogA lightweight Prolog-like system designed for interoperability with deep learning tools.
PicatA multi-paradigm language integrating functional, logic, and imperative programming features.
PopperAn inductive logic programming system for solving machine learning tasks.
PotasscoTargets combinatorial search problems using efficient ASP solvers.
PrologLogic programming language used in AI and theorem proving, influenced by first-order logic for declarative tasks.
PyNeuraLogicEnables Differentiable Logic Programs via neural networks.
RacketMulti-paradigm language derived from Lisp and Scheme, known for powerful macros and libraries.
Scryer PrologAn ISO Prolog implemented in Rust.
ShenMulti-paradigm language blending functional and logic programming for symbolic computation.
SlogA programming language for parallel logic programming with first-class facts handling.
SouffléParallel logic programming language used for static analysis and reverse engineering, influenced by Datalog.
StrandA parallel Prolog dialect.
SWI-PrologImplementation of Prolog focused on versatility and rich libraries.
Tau PrologAn implementation of Prolog for web-based applications in JavaScript environments.
TeyjusImplementation of Lambda Prolog for higher-order logic programming.
Trealla PrologAn efficient Prolog interpreter with concurrent capabilities.
XSBProlog dialect with tabled resolution for logic programming and deductive databases.