

The GNU Lesser General Public License is a free software license that allows for linking with proprietary software.


GlancesCross-platform system monitoring tool written in Python.


Arduinoplatform for creating interactive electronics projects, using a C/C++-based language.
BoomerangLanguage for bidirectional transformations on textual data formats.
C#Versatile high-level language supporting multiple programming paradigms.
c3Modern enhancement of C with module systems, semantic macros, and improved error handling, maintaining C compatibility.
CiaoModern Prolog implementation focused on portability, extensibility, and modularity.
CoqInteractive theorem prover focused on formal verification and proof checking.
CsoundFlexible, high-quality, domain-specific programming language for sound and music computing.
FreeBASICBASIC compiler inspired by QuickBASIC, supporting object-oriented programming.
GambitScheme implementation with both an interpreter and a C compiler, emphasizing simplicity and performance.
JavaScriptCoreJavaScript engine utilized in Safari and part of the WebKit project.
JRubyJava-based implementation of Ruby, integrating closely with Java for two-way access.
KornShellUnix-based shell that combines features from C and Bourne shells, supporting POSIX standards.
LispFamily of programming languages known for its fully parenthesized prefix notation and influence on AI research.
NixCross-platform, functional package manager and language with immutable directory management.
OCamlGeneral-purpose, multi-paradigm language extending Caml with OO features.
ProcessingLanguage for visual and multimedia programming.
PureBased on term rewriting, integrating symbolic computation and JIT compilation via LLVM.
SmartyPHP template engine for separating presentation and application logic.
SWI-PrologImplementation of Prolog focused on versatility and rich libraries.
ValaObject-oriented language that generates C code using the GObject system.
XSBProlog dialect with tabled resolution for logic programming and deductive databases.