
Proof Assistant

Software used to assist in proving mathematical theorems and verifying logical correctness.


AbcDatalogEasy Datalog for research & pedagogy.
AgdaDependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant used for writing and verifying proofs.
AscentLogic programming language (similar to Datalog) embedded in Rust via macros.
CiaoModern Prolog implementation focused on portability, extensibility, and modularity.
CoqInteractive theorem prover focused on formal verification and proof checking.
ELPIAn embeddable interpreter for a λProlog variant enriched with Constraint Handling Rules.
EqlogA logic programming language for Datalog with equality support.
FormulogDatalog with support for SMT queries and first-order functional programming.
IdrisPurely-functional language for Type-Driven Development with dependent types and optional lazy evaluation.
IsabelleAutomated theorem prover for formalizing mathematical proofs in higher-order logic.
OCamlGeneral-purpose, multi-paradigm language extending Caml with OO features.
PrologLogic programming language used in AI and theorem proving, influenced by first-order logic for declarative tasks.
Scryer PrologAn ISO Prolog implemented in Rust.
Standard MLFunctional programming language known for its type inference and usage in compiler writing.