

AbcDatalogEasy Datalog for research & pedagogy.
Arduinoplatform for creating interactive electronics projects, using a C/C++-based language.
CircuitPythonMaintained by Adafruit, simplifies Python for microcontroller applications and is implemented in C.
CodeMonkeyEducational coding platform for beginners, teaching programming concepts through game-based learning.
CoqInteractive theorem prover focused on formal verification and proof checking.
GUPUAn environment specialized for Prolog and constraint programming.
Hackety HackEducational platform for learning Ruby programming, using the Shoes toolkit for GUI development.
NetLogoMulti-agent environment for modeling complex systems.
NimStatically typed, compiled language focusing on performance and elegant syntax, compilable to C, C++, and JavaScript.
PascalAn imperative and procedural language designed by Niklaus Wirth, known for encouraging structured programming and data structuring.
ProcessingLanguage for visual and multimedia programming.
ScratchBlock-based visual language for children to learn coding through interactive projects.
ScratchJrBeginner-friendly visual programming language for children aged 5 to 7.
SmalltalkA pioneering object-oriented language known for its simplicity and metaprogramming.
SqueakModern Smalltalk with a fast execution environment and the Morphic framework.
Standard MLFunctional programming language known for its type inference and usage in compiler writing.
Tau PrologAn implementation of Prolog for web-based applications in JavaScript environments.