

BunA fast JavaScript runtime with a built-in bundler and npm-compatible package manager.
CassetteSimple, DIY personal programming language focusing on fun.
ChucKConcurrent, real-time audio programming language for synthesis and performance.
CircuitPythonMaintained by Adafruit, simplifies Python for microcontroller applications and is implemented in C.
ExtemporeHigh-performance language for real-time audiovisual computing and live coding.
GraalVMHigh-performance runtime for multiple languages including Java, Python, and WebAssembly, with polyglot capabilities.
HotSpot VMJava virtual machine known for its just-in-time compilation and adaptive optimization techniques.
JavaScriptScripting language essential for web interactivity and development.
JavaScriptCoreJavaScript engine utilized in Safari and part of the WebKit project.
JIPrologAn interpreter for the Prolog language implemented in Java.
JythonPython implementation for the Java platform, enabling Python code to run on the JVM.
KornShellUnix-based shell that combines features from C and Bourne shells, supporting POSIX standards.
MDXSyntax integrating JSX with Markdown for interactive content.
MicroPythonSubset of Python 3 tailored for microcontrollers.
NatlogA lightweight Prolog-like system designed for interoperability with deep learning tools.
PyPyHigh-performance alternative implementation of Python featuring a JIT compiler for speed.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
RyeHigh-level, interpreted programming language focused on simplicity and expressiveness.
SmalltalkA pioneering object-oriented language known for its simplicity and metaprogramming.
SqueakModern Smalltalk with a fast execution environment and the Morphic framework.
Tau PrologAn implementation of Prolog for web-based applications in JavaScript environments.
V8V8 is a high-performance JavaScript engine used in Chrome and Node.js.
YabasicBASIC interpreter with basic graphical capabilities.