

Bases type compatibility on the structure of data rather than explicit type declarations or names.


BallerinaOpen source general-purpose programming language designed for cloud-native and concurrent applications.
FlixFunctional, imperative, and logic language focusing on type and effect systems.
GoStatically typed, compiled language with memory safety and CSP-style concurrency, designed at Google.
NimStatically typed, compiled language focusing on performance and elegant syntax, compilable to C, C++, and JavaScript.
OCamlGeneral-purpose, multi-paradigm language extending Caml with OO features.
ScalaStatically typed language supporting both object-oriented and functional programming, known for addressing Java's criticisms and supporting concurrent, distributed systems.
SHACLW3C standard language for RDF graph constraints and validation.
TypeScriptStrongly typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
ValaObject-oriented language that generates C code using the GObject system.
WhileyFunctional and imperative language with contracts and formal specification features.
ZigSystem programming language designed as an improvement over C/C++ with native error handling and performance enhancements.