

The types of variables can change based on control flow in the program.


DartLanguage for building web, mobile, and server apps, with tools to compile to JavaScript and WebAssembly.
F#Functional-first language on the .NET platform, known for its strong typing and multi-paradigm capabilities.
JuliaA dynamic language designed for numerical and scientific computing with strong support for parallel computing and multiple dispatch.
KotlinConcise, statically typed language interoperative with Java, targeting JVM and other platforms.
ReasonMulti-paradigm language focusing on functional programming, compiling to OCaml and JavaScript.
RustGeneral-purpose programming language emphasizing performance, type safety, and concurrency.
ScalaStatically typed language supporting both object-oriented and functional programming, known for addressing Java's criticisms and supporting concurrent, distributed systems.
SwiftDeveloped by Apple for its platforms, with a focus on safety and performance.
TypeScriptStrongly typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
WhileyFunctional and imperative language with contracts and formal specification features.
ZigSystem programming language designed as an improvement over C/C++ with native error handling and performance enhancements.