

AutoHotkeya scripting language for Windows, used to create keyboard shortcuts and automate tasks.
BooStatically typed language with Python-like syntax and support for .NET framework features.
CrystalCompiled, statically-typed language with Ruby-like syntax and type inference.
EJSSimple templating language for embedding JavaScript in HTML.
GDScriptHigh-level, dynamically typed language for the Godot Engine.
GroovyFlexible and dynamic language for the Java platform with strong integration capabilities.
HyLisp dialect embedded in Python, facilitating seamless integration with Python libraries and syntax.
IronPythonImplementation of Python for the .NET framework.
JavaScriptScripting language essential for web interactivity and development.
JRubyJava-based implementation of Ruby, integrating closely with Java for two-way access.
JythonPython implementation for the Java platform, enabling Python code to run on the JVM.
LuaLightweight, high-level language designed for embedding in applications.
MicroPythonSubset of Python 3 tailored for microcontrollers.
MojoModular language blending Python's syntax with C-like performance.
MoonScriptDynamic scripting language compiling to Lua with CoffeeScript-inspired syntax.
mrubyLightweight Ruby interpreter designed for embeddability.
Node.jsA JavaScript runtime for server-side execution.
PerlDynamic language known for its text-processing capabilities.
PyPyHigh-performance alternative implementation of Python featuring a JIT compiler for speed.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
RubyInterpreted, high-level language focused on productivity and simplicity.
RyeHigh-level, interpreted programming language focused on simplicity and expressiveness.
SmalltalkA pioneering object-oriented language known for its simplicity and metaprogramming.
TypeScriptStrongly typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
V8V8 is a high-performance JavaScript engine used in Chrome and Node.js.