

BiomeOffers a formatter and linter, usable via CLI and LSP.
esbuildAn extremely fast bundler for the web.


CheerioThe fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
MarkedA markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
Preact⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.
TurndownAn HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript.
typescript-json-schemaGenerate json-schema from your Typescript sources.


AscentLogic programming language (similar to Datalog) embedded in Rust via macros.
ASP.NETServer-side web-application framework by Microsoft for building dynamic websites and services using the .NET runtime.
AstroModern framework for building fast, content-focused websites using static site generation.
BladeTemplating engine integrated with Laravel, enabling PHP logic in HTML.
BunA fast JavaScript runtime with a built-in bundler and npm-compatible package manager.
DataScriptImmutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS.
DenoA secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime focusing on simplicity.
EJSSimple templating language for embedding JavaScript in HTML.
FlutterToolkit for creating natively compiled cross-platform apps from a single codebase.
HackPHP-influenced language with static and gradual typing, used on the HHVM platform.
JavaScriptScripting language essential for web interactivity and development.
JinjaWeb template engine for Python, known for its flexible syntax and functionality.
JSON SchemaJSON Schema enables the confident and reliable use of the JSON data format.
MarkdownLightweight markup language for formatting text using simple syntax.
MustacheLogic-less web template system using braces `{{}}` for templating.
Node.jsA JavaScript runtime for server-side execution.
PHPScripting language primarily used for web development.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
SvelteFront-end framework that compiles HTML templates to optimized JavaScript.
Tau PrologAn implementation of Prolog for web-based applications in JavaScript environments.
TSXA TypeScript extension that integrates JSX with TypeScript.
WaspSimplifies full-stack web development with a declarative approach.

Learning Resources

ThreeJS JourneyEverything you need in one place: 93 hours of video to go from absolute beginner ...


BEMBEMCommunity by the creator of Plangs! Welcome to Billie English Muffin's Brilliant ...
ThreeJS JourneyPublic and Private communities for ThreeJS Journey students.