
Low Code

Development platforms that enable users to create applications with minimal hand-coding.


Common LispA high-performance, ANSI-standardized Lisp dialect recognized for its flexibility and macro system, supporting multiple programming paradigms.
EuphoriaUser-friendly language focusing on simplicity and readability, popular for various applications on multiple OS platforms.
FlydeVisual language for intuitive data flow and TypeScript integration.
JavaScriptCoreJavaScript engine utilized in Safari and part of the WebKit project.
LabVIEWGraphical environment for data acquisition and industrial automation.
PrologLogic programming language used in AI and theorem proving, influenced by first-order logic for declarative tasks.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
ScratchJrBeginner-friendly visual programming language for children aged 5 to 7.
Visual BasicMulti-paradigm language developed by Microsoft for Windows applications.
WaspSimplifies full-stack web development with a declarative approach.