Allows a program to inspect and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime.
Name | Description |
C# | Versatile high-level language supporting multiple programming paradigms. |
Common Lisp | A high-performance, ANSI-standardized Lisp dialect recognized for its flexibility and macro system, supporting multiple programming paradigms. |
Dart | Language for building web, mobile, and server apps, with tools to compile to JavaScript and WebAssembly. |
Emacs Lisp | Lisp dialect for extending the Emacs editor. |
F# | Functional-first language on the .NET platform, known for its strong typing and multi-paradigm capabilities. |
Forth | Stack-oriented programming language known for its flexibility, efficiency, and use in embedded systems. |
Hack | PHP-influenced language with static and gradual typing, used on the HHVM platform. |
Hy | Lisp dialect embedded in Python, facilitating seamless integration with Python libraries and syntax. |
Java | High-level language known for its portability and extensive ecosystem. |
JavaScript | Scripting language essential for web interactivity and development. |
JavaScriptCore | JavaScript engine utilized in Safari and part of the WebKit project. |
JRuby | Java-based implementation of Ruby, integrating closely with Java for two-way access. |
Julia | A dynamic language designed for numerical and scientific computing with strong support for parallel computing and multiple dispatch. |
Kotlin | Concise, statically typed language interoperative with Java, targeting JVM and other platforms. |
Lisp | Family of programming languages known for its fully parenthesized prefix notation and influence on AI research. |
Lua | Lightweight, high-level language designed for embedding in applications. |
MoonScript | Dynamic scripting language compiling to Lua with CoffeeScript-inspired syntax. |
Objective-C | Object-oriented language that extends C with Smalltalk-style message passing. |
PHP | Scripting language primarily used for web development. |
PowerShell | Shell and scripting language from Microsoft. |
Python | Dynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax. |
R | Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. |
Racket | Multi-paradigm language derived from Lisp and Scheme, known for powerful macros and libraries. |
Ruby | Interpreted, high-level language focused on productivity and simplicity. |
SBCL | Open-source, high-performance Common Lisp implementation derived from CMUCL. |
Smalltalk | A pioneering object-oriented language known for its simplicity and metaprogramming. |
Squeak | Modern Smalltalk with a fast execution environment and the Morphic framework. |
Visual Basic | Multi-paradigm language developed by Microsoft for Windows applications. |