

C#Versatile high-level language supporting multiple programming paradigms.
Common LispA high-performance, ANSI-standardized Lisp dialect recognized for its flexibility and macro system, supporting multiple programming paradigms.
DartLanguage for building web, mobile, and server apps, with tools to compile to JavaScript and WebAssembly.
Emacs LispLisp dialect for extending the Emacs editor.
F#Functional-first language on the .NET platform, known for its strong typing and multi-paradigm capabilities.
ForthStack-oriented programming language known for its flexibility, efficiency, and use in embedded systems.
HackPHP-influenced language with static and gradual typing, used on the HHVM platform.
HyLisp dialect embedded in Python, facilitating seamless integration with Python libraries and syntax.
JavaHigh-level language known for its portability and extensive ecosystem.
JavaScriptScripting language essential for web interactivity and development.
JavaScriptCoreJavaScript engine utilized in Safari and part of the WebKit project.
JRubyJava-based implementation of Ruby, integrating closely with Java for two-way access.
JuliaA dynamic language designed for numerical and scientific computing with strong support for parallel computing and multiple dispatch.
KotlinConcise, statically typed language interoperative with Java, targeting JVM and other platforms.
LispFamily of programming languages known for its fully parenthesized prefix notation and influence on AI research.
LuaLightweight, high-level language designed for embedding in applications.
MoonScriptDynamic scripting language compiling to Lua with CoffeeScript-inspired syntax.
Objective-CObject-oriented language that extends C with Smalltalk-style message passing.
PHPScripting language primarily used for web development.
PowerShellShell and scripting language from Microsoft.
PythonDynamic, high-level programming language known for its easy-to-read syntax.
RLanguage and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
RacketMulti-paradigm language derived from Lisp and Scheme, known for powerful macros and libraries.
RubyInterpreted, high-level language focused on productivity and simplicity.
SBCLOpen-source, high-performance Common Lisp implementation derived from CMUCL.
SmalltalkA pioneering object-oriented language known for its simplicity and metaprogramming.
SqueakModern Smalltalk with a fast execution environment and the Morphic framework.
Visual BasicMulti-paradigm language developed by Microsoft for Windows applications.