

AbcDatalogEasy Datalog for research & pedagogy.
AMPLAlgebraic modeling language for complex optimization problems in large-scale computing.
AscentLogic programming language (similar to Datalog) embedded in Rust via macros.
AstroModern framework for building fast, content-focused websites using static site generation.
BicepDSL for deploying Azure resources with a simplified syntax.
BoomerangLanguage for bidirectional transformations on textual data formats.
CassetteSimple, DIY personal programming language focusing on fun.
CoqInteractive theorem prover focused on formal verification and proof checking.
CozoA database leveraging Datalog for queries.
CSSStyle sheet language for styling documents written in HTML or XML.
CurryDeclarative language that integrates features of functional and logic programming paradigms
DatahikeA Datalog engine supporting immutability and distribution.
DatalevinA simple, fast and versatile Datalog database.
DatalogDeclarative logic programming language and subset of Prolog, used for deductive databases.
DataScriptImmutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS.
DatomicDistributed database with an immutable data model and Datalog implementation.
Differential DatalogA language for efficient incremental computation and dataflow processing.
EclairA logic programming language for specifying complex rules over large datasets efficiently.
EJSSimple templating language for embedding JavaScript in HTML.
ELPIAn embeddable interpreter for a λProlog variant enriched with Constraint Handling Rules.
EqlogA logic programming language for Datalog with equality support.
FAUSTDesigned for sound synthesis and high-performance audio processing, supporting multiple backends.
FlutterToolkit for creating natively compiled cross-platform apps from a single codebase.
FlydeVisual language for intuitive data flow and TypeScript integration.
FormulogDatalog with support for SMT queries and first-order functional programming.
GremlinGraph traversal language and virtual machine developed by Apache TinkerPop.
HaskellStatically-typed, purely functional language known for type inference and lazy evaluation.
HCLDeclarative configuration language used in Terraform to define cloud infrastructure resources.
HiveQLSQL-like query language for Hadoop developed by Apache Hive.
HTMLHTML is the standard markup language for web pages.
Ichiban PrologAn embeddable ISO Prolog interpreter in Go.
InformProgramming language for interactive fiction, supporting natural language sentence story writing.
IsabelleAutomated theorem prover for formalizing mathematical proofs in higher-order logic.
JinjaWeb template engine for Python, known for its flexible syntax and functionality.
JIPrologAn interpreter for the Prolog language implemented in Java.
KotlinConcise, statically typed language interoperative with Java, targeting JVM and other platforms.
LogicaA declarative logic programming language for data manipulation.
MakefileTool used for build automation, defining build tasks in makefiles based on file timestamps.
MercuryA logic-based programming language with functional features.
ModelicaNon-proprietary, object-oriented language for modeling complex physical systems across multiple domains.
MustacheLogic-less web template system using braces `{{}}` for templating.
NatlogA lightweight Prolog-like system designed for interoperability with deep learning tools.
NickelLightweight configuration language designed for generating modular and reusable configuration files.
NixCross-platform, functional package manager and language with immutable directory management.
OrcaEsoteric language for creating procedural sequencers for music and visual applications.
PKLConfiguration language for defining data structures and generating JSON or YAML outputs.
PopperAn inductive logic programming system for solving machine learning tasks.
PotasscoTargets combinatorial search problems using efficient ASP solvers.
PrologLogic programming language used in AI and theorem proving, influenced by first-order logic for declarative tasks.
PureBased on term rewriting, integrating symbolic computation and JIT compilation via LLVM.
PureScriptStrongly-typed, purely-functional language similar to Haskell, compiling to JavaScript.
PyNeuraLogicEnables Differentiable Logic Programs via neural networks.
QMLDeclarative user interface markup language, primarily for Qt Quick applications.
RakudoThe main compiler for the Raku language, targeting MoarVM and JVM.
RascalDomain-specific language for metaprogramming and implementing domain-specific languages.
RMarkdownDocument format for creating dynamic reports by integrating R code chunks in markdown-like syntax.
Scryer PrologAn ISO Prolog implemented in Rust.
SHACLW3C standard language for RDF graph constraints and validation.
ShExUsed for RDF data validation and description.
SlogA programming language for parallel logic programming with first-class facts handling.
SouffléParallel logic programming language used for static analysis and reverse engineering, influenced by Datalog.
SQLDomain-specific language for managing data in relational databases.
StarlarkPython-like configuration language used for application configuration and build automation with tools like Bazel.
SWI-PrologImplementation of Prolog focused on versatility and rich libraries.
SwiftDeveloped by Apple for its platforms, with a focus on safety and performance.
Tau PrologAn implementation of Prolog for web-based applications in JavaScript environments.
TeXTypesetting system for scientific and academic documents, designed by Donald Knuth.
Trealla PrologAn efficient Prolog interpreter with concurrent capabilities.
UnisonStatically-typed, functional language treating code as data for efficient distributed programming.
Visual BasicMulti-paradigm language developed by Microsoft for Windows applications.
VueJavaScript framework for front end development.
WaspSimplifies full-stack web development with a declarative approach.
WingDesigned for managing cloud infrastructure and serverless applications.
XProcXML transformation language for processing documents in pipelines.
XQueryW3C language for querying and transforming XML data using XPath.
XSBProlog dialect with tabled resolution for logic programming and deductive databases.
XSLTDeclarative language for transforming XML documents.
YAMLHuman-readable data serialization language for configuration files and data exchange, featuring minimal syntax.